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1 minute ago, Тёмный Властелин said:

I don't see anything weird in it. If there is no way for a fair competition (the starting positions differ drastically), then there must be some way to compensate the disadvantage. 

Hint: The added game mechanic wouldn't only be available to you.

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@_shal_, I do ok in all the competitions, which include Ymen investments in my group of 200-250, so that's perfectly fine (not only for me but for others also, they can win without any money investments just by using their advantage or invest some money to win too). If this doesn't seem a good idea for late game (which I have no idea about), than just a slight points rebalance would be fine. If that contest is all about combativity refills during epic or legendary or orgy days, it won't hurt anyone at all and would be a more fair system for low-mid level players, who have to compete with for-some-reason-not-properly-levelling-up players in the last worlds.

Edited by Тёмный Властелин
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5 hours ago, Тёмный Властелин said:

You're wrong. I always battle for every contest and do the most to win. Yeah, if I can win with one combativity refill (outside of legendary or epic or orgy days), I'll definitely do it. The thing is that it is not enough to refill once to win. Refill twice is not enough too and already economically makes no sense. Just look at the screens. It's still 10 hours until the end of the contest and I am already 6k points behind. In the end it is gonna be much more.

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Yes that "economically makes no sense" is my point. In top levels there are multiple people who do this, all the time. When I say you're not willing to do anything, I mean you're not willing to spend more than you gain, because what you want is profit, not to benefit your epeen by winning. That's what happens when you're all caught up on the story, you still lose.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Change in subject, folks.  Hello Brassy!  Long time, no hear - my fault as I haven't been following your page - you can whip me for it later!  Oh please!

I just want to ask players and members how they're getting on during this awful Covid-19 pandemic.  NZ has shut up shop, virtually, with an almost total lockdown and borders closed to flights except freight and (and often trapped) New Zealanders returning from overseas.  Anyone returning has to immediately go into self-isolation for 14 days, then undergo testing to see if they're still infected, if they were in the first place.  We attempted to get on top of this thing early before any community transmissions were recorded and we have a rigorous regime of testing and contact tracing for those infected.  I sure hope it works and all indications are that it should, even though there are now a few instances of community transmission and three significant clusters of infection.  One death of a women in her seventies has been recorded.

Although I don't have it, as far as I know, I'm in self-isolation lockdown and confined to my home with two other people, but we're all allowed to go for walks in the neighbourhood and supermarkets, petrol stations and other businesses that are deemed essential services are still open.  I have a great garden to manage and get into shape before Winter sets in.

I feel especially sad for the Italians and Spanish who suffered a particularly terrible loss of life, and it seems as if parts of the US are heading the same way.  We can hope that the containment efforts eventually beat this thing and that governments are not tempted to open their borders too soon.  It was the free movement of people across borders that led to this disaster because we didn't act soon enough.

For me, Hentai Heroes is a Godsend.  It provides a happy distraction for me during the boring times, but I am able to keep myself active in other ways, despite my employment going west!

I hope you're all okay and that your families are coping.

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1 hour ago, Тёмный Властелин said:

Emperor Putin allowed us to stay at home this week. If it won't be expanded until all this thing is over, I'll take a paid vacation and stay at home no matter what. Watched a video from New York hospital and think that the most safe thing to do is to stay at home. This is all serious.

I hope things are okay for you.  I'm not sure about Putin, but Donald Trump is all over the place on this thing and is not offering the leadership that is sorely needed.  This is in marked contrast to our Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern and Andrew Cuomo, NY State Governor.  It seems that, because of all the mixed messages from the top, Americans are not taking this crisis as seriously as they need to and are not taking the measures they need to take to avoid spreading this bug, like physical distancing and avoiding gatherings.  This is a bit of a problem still in New Zealand and is mostly a problem of teenagers and old people alike, oddly enough.  Preventing fit and active older people from visiting their friends and relatives and moving outside their household bubbles is proving difficult.  People are slowly getting the message, but human beings are social, touchy-feely creatures and we also like to explore outside our areas recreationally.  This makes controlling the spread of highly contagious diseases very difficult, not to mention the extreme economic costs to societies.

We were warned that our propensity for global travel and congregating in those very large gatherings of us called cities leave us very vulnerable to such disease spread.  The H5N1 bird flu warnings went unheaded, as did swine flu, SARS and MERS.  You can also go right back to the H1N1 so-called Spanish flu pandemic of 1918 which showed us just what happens when mass global travel occurs (in that case troop ships).  The result?  Millions dead, in that case the young and fit.

I hope it changes how we do things.  I'm seeing more birds and interesting new insects in my garden and I can see the stars.  The air is cleaner and I can happily go for walks in the middle of the road, knowing I won't be run over or tooted at.  It is a bit of a consolation so things aren't all bad.  It may be a pointer to a new and better world.

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How is everyone getting on?  Holding up okay?  Me, I'm sure my computer has Covid-19.  It's running bloody slow, especially the net.  This is hardly surprising because a whole lot of people are working from home during the lockdown and internet traffic is clogging up as a result.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Wow, weird to have to go on page 2 to find this thread... sometimes too many new sub threads get opened.

Anyways, this was only to share my reaching of a little milestone at the dawn of level 404:


By the way, should anyone ask "Why the hell 270k kobans is a milestone?" the answer is "because it would be enough kobans to spin the Epic Pachinko x10 exactly 50 times"

Even though nobody is a good judge of themselves, I would say that it is not a bad result for a fully free player.

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And with the lucky stroke in the Mythic Pachinko I reached the second small milestone in a few days:


as miss Hope the Runner made me reach 200 girls in my harem.

(Seems that the luck for the Epic Days transferred to the Mythic Pachinko: gathered only three shards on Summer Spirit in almost a day of tries...)

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On 4/20/2020 at 8:26 AM, Observer_X said:

Wow, weird to have to go on page 2 to find this thread... sometimes too many new sub threads get opened.

Anyways, this was only to share my reaching of a little milestone at the dawn of level 404:


By the way, should anyone ask "Why the hell 270k kobans is a milestone?" the answer is "because it would be enough kobans to spin the Epic Pachinko x10 exactly 50 times"

Even though nobody is a good judge of themselves, I would say that it is not a bad result for a fully free player.

By God!!  You take delayed gratification to the extreme.  Lol.  But great result and excellent self-discipline.

Hey, where's Brassy?  Is she okay?  I miss her...

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  • 2 weeks later...
6 minutes ago, Hastur said:

Thank you!  I'm happy to be here, looking forward to meeting everyone! 😊

We have several members from your timezone (I'm european, a bit off lol), so you should be fine :) 

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